
Kenzi Marie entered the world at 2 lb. 11 oz. 
Miami Valley NICU, February 25, 2009.

Tysen, Kenzi, Tessa, and Kaylee with Aunt Katie. 
At home in Leesburg, Ohio, May 2009.

Tessa, Kaylee, Tysen, and Kenzi on their first birthday.
February 25, 2010.

Tessa, Kaylee, Tysen, and Kenzi on their second birthday.
February 25, 2011.

Tessa, Kaylee, Tysen, and Kenzi on their third birthday.
February 25, 2012.

Big brother Kasen monitors the growth of his sisters, 
Kenzi, Tysen, Tessa, and Kaylee, into beautiful 4-year-olds!
Recently I had to answer the question: Does God still perform miracles? The answer is a resounding yes! And I know four of them by name.

Tessa Nicole Terrell was born first, four years ago today. My very first niece! The nurses in the NICU said if any of the girls were to have the initials TNT it would definitely be this one. She is still our little firecracker, with a huge vocabulary in both English and Spanish, and a sweetness that will melt your heart.

Kaylee Anne came next. A spitting image of her momma, it is no wonder she became the caregiver, fetching pacifiers and toys for her sisters when they were in tears. She can be both the quietest and the loudest of the bunch. She has her own group of friends at school, loves to sing and swing, and can't wait to learn how to ride a bike.

Tysen Lane wiggled her way into my heart as niece number 3. Strong from the start, she was the hardest to hold as a baby because she was always arching her back and kicking her feet. It was no surprise when she started climbing out of everything, crawling into everything, and batting her big blue eyes to get out of all kinds of trouble. She is the most sensitive of them all... yell at one of her sisters and Tysen will be the one who cries!

Which brings us to Kenzi Marie. Always the schemer, she knew she'd be able to get away with more if she was the baby of the family. (I think Uncle Matthew must have taught her that... or Aunt Kelly???) Weighing in at less than 3 pounds, she showed her competitive side immediately... breathing on her own from the start while her sisters needed oxygen. She may be rotten; she may be tiny; but she'll be the first to jump to her sisters' defense... so playground bullies beware!

This family wouldn't be complete without a big brother. Kasen Matthew was three and a half when his world turned upside down. Every day for four straight days in March 2009 Mommy and Daddy brought home another baby for him to watch over. He's done an amazing job with his sisters, whom he calls "my girls", and they adore him. He plays with them, fights with them, tells on them, and defends them. Everything a big brother should.

Do I believe in miracles? Absolutely. And I'm so humbled that God chose our family to bless with these four.

Happy 4th Birthday Tessa, Kaylee, Tysen, and Kenzi!


Listening to the song that was playing in the delivery room when the quads entered the world: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.


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