
I like to eat breakfast food for dinner, and dinner food for breakfast. I also like to eat breakfast food for breakfast and dinner food for dinner. Why? Because food is food and food is good.

Why would I wait until Sunday to wear a dress
if I want to wear one on Thursday?
I like to wear dresses when I'm sitting around the house and when I'm driving. I also like to wear dresses to weddings and to church. I like to dress business casual at the office. I also like to dress business casual when I take my nieces to McDonalds. I like to wear sweat pants when I workout and when I sleep. I also like to wear sweat pants to Wal-Mart, the video store, and the mall. I like to wear t-shirts with dress pants and t-shirts over my dresses. I also like to wear t-shirts with jeans and jeans to church. Why? Because clothes are clothes and clothes are good.

I like to sleep in my car and on friends' couches. I like to sleep in tents--I really, really like to sleep in tents. I also like to sleep on one half of my queen-size bed. I like to sleep from 11 p.m. until 7 a.m., or 4 a.m. until noon. Why? Because sleep is sleep and sleep is good.

Why make rules when you don't have to?


It opens the door to limitless possibilities and endless joy!

 Reading The Man Who Loved Seagulls by Osho.


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