
You don't have to be a celebrity to waste money on a wedding ceremony, have an affair, or get divorced multiple times in a short amount of time. I've contributed to these statistics, as well as experienced just how many other people don't take their vows seriously.

When I first saw the above diagram I wasn't sure if it was trying to say we've already ruined marriage so what's the point in not legalizing same-sex marriage, or that somehow same-sex marriage was going to save the institution of marriage--can we legalize same-sex marriage but not legalize same-sex divorce? Upon closer study I think the diagram is simply saying to not legalize same-sex marriage on the argument that it will destroy the institution of marriage is invalid. Which, face it, we all know to be true. No matter what side of the same-sex argument you are on. You can't destroy something that is already destroyed.

Have heterosexuals destroyed the institution of marriage? Absolutely. Is public shaming celebrities the way to  convince people of the validity of same-sex marriage? Will it improve our respect for marriage, no matter what gender the spouses are? Absolutely not.

So why aren't we trying to improve marriages and committed relationships, rather than spending our time preaching hate against people God clearly loves?

What if we looked beyond marriage even and instead focused on the loneliness we as a nation experience, how unfulfilled we are with what the world teaches us to crave? What if we raised our children to find their joy and satisfaction in God...to recognize that He alone can satisfy the longing in our hearts? What if we learned to trust the Inner Witness to lead us to the right partner at the right time? What if we preached love and forgiveness rather than hate and judgment...and what if we lived that way?

Marriage has transitioned from being a gift from God to a mere pattern of this world (see Romans 12:2), no different than sex, drugs, food, alcohol, money, television, etc., and we aren't doing anything to stop it. We can look to people and possessions and highs for satisfaction, but there is only one thing that will truly satisfy us, and that is to EMBRACE GOD.

Listening to Marry You by Bruno Mars.


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