
Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament. As I was preparing my heart to read Malachi over the weekend I thought, There has to be something incredibly significant about this book. After all, it is the last thing we read before we meet Jesus. And yet I could not bring to mind anything about this book and its mere four chapters.

It turns out that Malachi is about those ordinary, normal, humdrum times in our lives when we start to think that we are in control and God doesn't have anything to do with it. We might even complain about God (Do I really have to tithe 10 percent?), start judging what He is doing for others (Can you believe SHE won the lottery? Did you see what he just bought with his food stamps?), or just go through the motions of one hour on Sunday mornings as if we can check God off our to-do list for the week until Sunday rolls around again.

Malachi tells us that it is precisely in these moments – the normal, ordinary days when we think WE are in control – that we are the most sick, most broken, most dead, most in need of a Savior to make us whole. 

It is the perfect setup to introduce us to Jesus and the New Testament.


It is natural to feel like we need Jesus when we are going through hard times, or to praise Him when He has just given us a miracle. But we should also go to Him when life is ordinary, since most days are. 


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