
Grandma Jan and Grandpa Lowell with all the grandkids:
Susie, Katie, Betsy, Timothy, and Matthew.
Hubbard, Iowa, 1980s.

My grandfather died in Oklahoma 16 years ago.

He and my grandma were driving from Texas, where they spent Christmas with my uncle and his family, home to Arkansas. Grandpa's shoulder had been bothering him for a couple of weeks, which turned out not to be signs of too much golf in his newly embraced retirement, but of a massive heart attack which ended his life six hours into the 10 hour drive home.

Even in his final moments my grandpa never would have let anything happen to my grandma. He knew enough to pull over. To tell her he loved her. And to do it in a town filled with angels.

One of those angels took my grandma home with her. Fed her, comforted her, gave her a place to stay and rest and pray until my uncle could meet up with her and drive the rest of the way to Arkansas with her. Some might call it a stranger's kindness. But my grandma has never wavered in saying she was an angel. It's the only explanation for why she was at the right place when my grandma was experiencing the worst time in her life.

All this took place a mere 90 minutes from Moore, Oklahoma, where so many others have experienced the worst time in their lives this week.

I know God, and I know that His angels are in Oklahoma. I pray that others will be comforted by His angels, just as my grandma was. I pray that others will allow God to use them as His angels, just like my grandma's angel did.


"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25

Listening to some old school Newsboys: Entertaining Angels. "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!" Hebrews 13


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