
"Every one of us is trying to be extraordinary, which implicitly means you have already decided you aren't." - Dr. Param Srikantia

I was drawn to this statement when I saw it on Facebook yesterday and copied it down on my yellow legal pad. Initially the draw was the word "extraordinary," a word I've always felt a pull towards. The second half of the statement gave me pause...a seed planted but not yet tended in my mind. 

Then Kari (the sister-in-law who is to blame for this blog!) posts a picture to my Facebook page today: 

I don't know her intentions behind this post, other than the fact that we have vowed to encourage one another on our word journeys this year.

What I do know is that in my spirit I immediately felt the words: EMBRACE YOURSELF

There is a time for soul searching, exploring, experimenting, but there is also a time to accept who you are.

And so I ask: Am I searching to avoid accepting? Seeking a self rather than embracing myself?

Because I am a strategic thinker and my brain loves connections, a song comes to mind: "Express Yourself" (you've seen the Windows 8 commercial!), which could just as easily be embrace yourself.

And then I found this perfect video...four minutes of people EMBRACING while Charles Wright invites me to express myself, love myself, be myself, embrace myself--and do it good!


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