
I went to the Southpark Mall in Strongsville, Ohio, last weekend. It felt new and unfamiliar. The nearest mall to my Alma Mater... surely I had been here before?
Grand Canyon. Summer, 2000.
It wasn't until I'd nearly completed my tour of the two-story, multi-corridor maze that I remembered:

  •  Christina and I outfitted ourselves for one of the most amazing summers of my life inside these walls. The men at Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) spent hours, days, weeks with us, gearing us up for the three months we would spend hiking the Grand Canyon. 
  • Beth and I got holiday jobs here our senior year, selling games and calendars to overcome our boredom with text books and speeches and cafeteria food.
  • Grand Canyon. Spring Break, 2002.
  • It was here that I met one of the great loves of my life.

How is it that something that held so many memories could change so much that it was now beyond my recognition? 

And yet I'm thrilled at where life has taken us, overjoyed to shop at Funky People, and trust that it is okay to hold on to my memories even as I learn to EMBRACE CHANGE.

Watching How to Deal


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