Since getting a post-holiday cold and cough my energy has been off, which has been disruptive to my job. So today I invited my aunt into my head space. She is a massage therapist who specializes in CranioSacral Therapy.
There was a time when I would have dismissed "alternative medicine", my aunt's gentle touch, color therapy, reflexology, yoga, and even intuition.
But my God is a big God and who am I to limit the Divine?
EMBRACE WHOLENESS was my challenge for the day. To believe that God created all things must also be to believe that God is in all things, and can speak through anyone and anything, by any means.
It is no coincidence that I bought a new sticker yesterday for my notebook, declaring "Everything is Connected." Indeed!

But my God is a big God and who am I to limit the Divine?
EMBRACE WHOLENESS was my challenge for the day. To believe that God created all things must also be to believe that God is in all things, and can speak through anyone and anything, by any means.
It is no coincidence that I bought a new sticker yesterday for my notebook, declaring "Everything is Connected." Indeed!
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