no excuses

During the prayer circle that kicked off yesterday's triathlon, Psalm 18:37 was quoted: "I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed." In the days prior I had committed to memory Ephesians 6 , which reminds us that our enemies are not flesh and blood. (It wasn't the other athletes that we were here to destroy!) Another athlete admitted that his biggest enemy was his own mind, which is full of fear and doubt, not only while he is training, but even as he runs into the water and takes those first strokes of the race. I love that we began the race with this challenge to pursue and overtake whatever it is that stands between us and the finish line. Because as I watched athlete after athlete finish, I could see that the victory was not just in finishing. Not just in getting first in their age division. Or achieving a personal best. These athletes were overcoming far more than the finish line. They were over...