boy bands

Jackson 5, The Beatles, New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, Jonas Brothers, One Direction.

Does anything define the life of a pre-teen girl more than the music she listens to and the corresponding posters on her locker/notebook/bedroom wall?

The boys in these bands were our first crushes. They were the total package -- looks, voices, and dance moves. They told us we were beautiful and to never settle for guys who didn't appreciate us.

We listened and watched over and over so that 25 years later we still know all the words and choreography to The Right Stuff. We know all 5 steps in Step by Step. We have mastered "name that NKOTB tune" singing only the "ohs" (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh). We still sing the NKOTB version of "Happy Birthday" every year, if not out loud at least in our heads.

Fueled by nostalgia, millions of 25-45 year old women will see Boys II Men, 98 Degrees, and NKOTB in concert this summer, as I did earlier this week.

The nostalgia is not because we want to go back to being 12 years old, with glasses and braces, trying to figure out how to take a tampon to the bathroom without any of the boys in class noticing.

The nostalgia is for Judy Blume books, the single Motownphilly on cassette tape, and Sassy magazine. The nostalgia is for the boys in the bands who helped us navigate our awkwardness, who never rejected us, who made us scream and giggle and swoon, forgetting that Brad broke up with us for Amber and Vicky wasn't talking to us because we sat with Stephanie at lunch.

Boy bands, their ridiculous hair cuts, and shockingly sexy lyrics may seem silly and overrated. But how else would you survive the overly dramatic life that comes with being a pre-teen girl?


"First time was a sweet time, second time was a blast..." Thanks to all the ladies who made seeing NKOTB in concert 25 years later A BLAST!!


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