40-40-40 ... Day 5: Capitol Ministries

I'm giving $40 to 40 different ministries for the 40 days of Lent. Today is only day 5 and I'm already worn out! There is so much need in the world... and so many individuals and organizations doing so much good... it's exhausting!

But Galatians 6:9 says:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
 Another version says, "at just the right time we will reap a harvest." And yet another says, "you will be rewarded when the time is right."

I don't know what God is thinking with this 40-40-40 adventure he has me on, but I do know that he is the mastermind behind it, therefore only good can come out of it. As long as I don't give up!

As I fight against weariness, and consider that today is President's Day, I naturally think about how exhausting it must be to work in Washington. To constantly be under a microscope. To have the weight of the entire nation on your shoulders. Regardless of whether you think things are going well or horribly wrong, you can't deny that the work is heavy.

(Anyone watching Bachelor Winter Games? I'm channeling Yuki with that word "heavy"! I digress...)

Which is why I was thrilled to learn about Capitol Ministries. A woman in my Bible study shared that this organization brings Bible studies to the world's capitols and political leaders, to "help them live true to their Christian faith in the rough and tumble world of politics."

(A fun connection: Lincoln Brewster was the worship leader at our church in Sacramento, and he played music at one of Capitol Ministries's gatherings last week!)

Capitol Ministries was organized in 1996 after a couple grew frustrated that the Christians they were electing weren't strong enough in their faith to stick to their principles once entering office. Thinking about the movement of discipleship ministries to athletes and on college campuses (ie. Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Campus Crusade for Christ, etc.), Ralph and Danielle Drollinger started a ministry to public officials, with the goal of having this ministry in each of the 50 states. The movement expanded to the nation's capitol and to capitols around the world. 

What I really like about this organization is that it invites us into a partnership with our nation's leaders. Our role is to pray for them and to support Capitol Ministries so that it may continue, but our leaders have a role to play too, to take advantage of the opportunity to grow and deepen their faith and convictions, and to listen to and be led by the Holy Spirit to walk those out. 

*Disclaimer: I know that I won't agree with every Bible study shared by this organization. Or with every decision our lawmakers make. But I believe that it is better to bridge the divide between church and state through this organization, than to build another wall. And so, in honor of President's Day today, I choose to support Capitol Ministries.


PRAY for our nation's President and other leaders.
LEARN more about Capitol Ministries.
DOWNLOAD the free Capitol Ministries app and study the Bible alongside our nation's leaders.
FOLLOW Capitol Ministries on Facebook.
DONATE to support biblical ministries for our leaders. (When donating, you will have the option of donating to a specific state in the U.S., or to ministries in Washington, D.C. When you enter your information, it will default to donating to the state where you live, but you can change this if you wish to donate elsewhere.)


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