40-40-40 ... Day 10: Red Cross

(Normally Sundays are a "rest day" from Lent, but today is serving as a makeup day for missing Thursday.)

This week I gave money to my kindergarten kids who were raising money for the Red Cross. They brought home these adorable "purses" and offered to trade me a sticker for a donation.

I gave 10 pesos (a little over 50 cents) and their little eyes lit up with joy. (Of course they then wanted to take a trip to the local market, but luckily it isn't so easy to get the money out once you put it in!)

I figured since I had already donated a little, I might as well donate a few dollars more!

Clara Barton founded the Red Cross in 1881 in the United States, but the Red Cross now exists in nearly 200 countries. In our little town in Mexico, volunteers from the Red Cross visit all of the area schools and provide free vaccinations for the children.

While researching the Red Cross, I discovered that they are among the first relief responders to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires, where they provide clean water, shelter, and food. They also provide services for our military personnel. And most people know the Red Cross for their blood drives. BUT, the majority (90 percent!) of incidents they respond to are house fires. Which is why one of their biggest campaigns is to see that every home has working smoke alarms. A great reminder to go and check yours!


CHECK the smoke detectors in your home. Buy new detectors or replace the batteries if needed.
GIVE blood by finding a blood drive near you.
FOLLOW the Red Cross on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. (YouTube's latest Red Cross video is about how to overcome a fear of needles. I need to watch this one!)
VOLUNTEER locally or internationally. There are TONS of ways you can get involved!
DONATE by text, mail or phone, or give online via credit card or PayPal. 


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