40-40-40 ... Day 11: The Hub

On Thursday, while I was avoiding reality for a day, Randy and I happened to turn on the television just in time to catch an episode of Life Today. Life Today is the television program for the organization Life Outreach International, which focuses on bringing water and food and shoes and other necessities to the world.

While I can't usually bring myself to watch the last 15 minutes of the program, with the sad pictures of children with flies in their eyes and distended bellies, the first 15 minutes always include an interview with individuals whose lives have been turned upside down for Jesus. And who are using that upside-down momentum to make a difference in the world. The stories are incredibly inspiring. I ALWAYS love those first 15 minutes of the show. Thursday was no different.

Thursday's episode included an interview with Cassie Hammett, founder of The Hub: Urban Ministries. On The Hub's website, Cassie writes:
The call to love the poor is clear in scripture. God’s desire is for the widow, the orphan, the hungry, the poor, the exploited and the outcast to find their value and worth in who He created them to be and to find a place that they belong in His family; and He desires that we, you and I, become the catalyst for seeing that happen in our world.
The Hub is located in Shreveport, Louisiana. While ministering to the poor and the marginalized, it became apparent that there was a population specific to their area that The Hub could not overlook: the sex industry. They dubbed this specific ministry "Purchased: Not For Sale." It was their ministry to exotic dancers that Cassie was discussing on the Life Today program that Randy and I watched.

What drew me to this ministry was that Cassie said they were providing Bible studies for these women in the evenings, and that many of the women would leave from Bible study and go straight to their jobs dancing. Cassie said the point of the Bible study was not to condemn the women for the work they were doing, but to simply teach them God's Word. She recognized that her job wasn't to make them feel worse about their situations, but to point them to the Source of Hope, empowering them to seek freedom on their own terms in their own timing. This just seems so smart.

The Hub also provides a service to the homeless called The Lovewell Center. Individuals in this program have a "Lovewell Card" which they can load with points by taking classes and attending meetings at the center. The points can then be used to purchase items in one of their four stores: "Dresswell" (clothing), "Eatwell" (food), "Smellwell" (laundry) and "Drinkwell" (coffee shop). The idea is to empower people to earn these items, while also providing the tools they need to leave poverty and live a full life.

While the services provided by The Hub are different than those we learned about Saturday through The Center in Hollywood (except for the coffee -- that seems to be essential across the board!), what I love about both of these organizations is that they created their own models for what their communities needed. The needs in Hollywood are different than the needs in Shreveport which are different than those in Xenia, Ohio (which we'll learn about in the coming weeks!), and so it is essential to build something specific and unique to the needs where you are.

What is also becoming obvious to me through these 40 days is that there is need everywhere, and there are also people just like you and me who are rising up to meet those needs. And I thank God for that!


PRAY for the work of The Hub and the individuals who are being impacted by this ministry.
WATCH the episode of Life Today featuring Cassie Hammett and The Hub.
FOLLOW The Hub on Facebook or Instagram. (They have a Twitter page, but aren't actively using it.)
VOLUNTEER at The Hub. Live near Shreveport? Whether you want to help serve a meal, organize their clothing room, offer your skills as a hairstylist, or run a half-marathon, there are ways for everyone to help! They also accept donations of canned goods, socks and underwear, and laundry detergent.
MISSIONS TRIPS to Shreveport and The Hub are a great way to introduce your church or youth group to service and outreach. The Hub provides a Mission Trip info packet and sign up to make it easy.
MAKE AN INVESTMENT by donating to The Hub: Urban Ministries via credit card or bank transfer.


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