
Mexicali is the nearest big city to us in Mexico. It is a 2-hour drive (the closest stoplight!), and it is where we pick up our monthly "dispensa" from DIF.

DIF (pronounced "Deef") is equivalent to Child Protective Services. They are the ones who bring us children, who work with parents to help them change their lifestyles so that the children can return to a safe and caring environment, who set our rules and regulations, and who check on us to make sure that we are abiding by them.

They are also in charge of giving us our monthly "dispensa." The dispensa is our monthly distribution of food. We only receive about $50 a year in financial support from the government for each child who lives with us. To compensate for that, they give us a generous allotment of food each month.

Randy and I picked up the dispensa for the first time last week. Our entire backseat was filled to the ceiling with beans, rice, pasta, lentils, dry milk, canned vegetables and tuna.

Obviously, because this food is ours at no cost, these are the staples that we eat every week.

(You can see why we occasionally splurge and order pizza!)


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