Seasons in Mexico

Because it is hot nearly year-round in San Felipe, we've had to come up with a new way to "define" the seasons.

There is no rainy season, snowy season, tornado season.

Instead we define our seasons by which bugs are attacking us.

When we first moved into our apartment at the children's home, I noticed that all of our outlets had these "bug magnets" plugged into them.

I didn't know if that was reassuring or terrifying. Reassuring that we were actively repelling them. But terrifying that they are enough of a problem to require a force field around us.

We have lived here since November, and so far we have been through 3 seasons.

We moved here during fly season. So many flies! Inside, outside, there was no avoiding them. I guess it just doesn't get cold enough to kill them off.

But if I thought fly season was bad, that was nothing compared to mosquito season, which struck around the middle of February. I started noticing them in the office, and before long our kids had bites all over. We didn't have any mosquito bite soother, so I put diaper rash cream on their hands and faces. I'm not sure if it did any good, other than to give the kids something else to focus on.

Our 3rd season struck just last week. Caterpillars. Or in Spanish, "gusano" (goo-sah-no). Aptly named, because when you squish one, green goo gushes out, staining the tile and the bottoms of your shoes. We try not to squish them, obviously, but there are so many of them it is really unavoidable! A huge migration moved from the mountains toward the sea over the weekend, right through our hallway. They are fast moving little critters. But they also sleep at night. So as soon as it gets dark outside they just stop where they are and take 8 hours to recharge.

Maybe our next season will be butterflies. One can only hope!


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