Making Space

Two weeks ago, Francis Chan came and spoke at our church. He is so incredibly passionate; if you ever get the opportunity to hear him speak I highly recommend it! (I haven't read his books -- yet -- but I hear his passion shines through those as well.)

Chan started by saying that before he even began his sermon he wanted to ask us one question: "Is God the love of your life?" He said what he meant by that was -- "are you intentionally making space in your life to listen and to pray?"

Immediately I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I have done so well to fill my life intentionally over the past 4 months -- but filling my life, adding more to my days, has meant less time for those quiet spaces to listen and to pray. I'm always doing something, and even though the things I am doing -- reading, writing, hiking, dating my husband, meeting the needs of others -- are good, they aren't always God. I realized that if I'm going to have margin, if I'm going to have open space in my life, I'm going to have to intentionally create it.

Which you would think would come easily for a girl who grew up in the Quaker tradition, where we intentionally have "open worship" -- a time that is unprogrammed, for all to listen, to pray, to share what is on their hearts. But just because I was used to someone else telling me on a Sunday morning that it was time to settle down and listen, doesn't mean that carried over into the rest of my life.

Of course this revelation happened during my busiest week of the year thus far, when I'm writing a book and working on my regular weekly projects and spending time with the grandkids and preparing for a visit to the Midwest. But I wouldn't have to be intentional about having quiet time if I had all kinds of free time, would I? So this morning, after Randy left for work at 5 a.m., I stayed in bed for an hour, listening to the birds and the geese, the dogs and the freeway noise, simply reveling in my gratitude for this wonderful life God has given me to live. It was the perfect way to start the very busy day that is ahead!


  1. Those early morning times are my favorite time of the day. It gets me started on the right foot. I'm glad you were able to find that space for listening.

    1. Thanks Terri! It really was a beautiful way to make sure my attitude was right before even getting out of bed!


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