Explore Your Neighborhood

A few years ago my friend Michelle and her family were preparing to move. She had lived in the same city for several years, and had come to think of it as home. But as is so often the case, when a place becomes home you stop exploring it. Michelle realized that there was so much about her city that she had yet to see, so she created a "bucket list" of things to do before her family moved. And she intentionally set out to do those things.

I was reminded of Michelle yesterday when, during our weekly hike as we approached the view above, Randy said: "I've lived here for 25 years and I've never been here before."


It was a beautiful hike, just 20 minutes from our house, and he had never been here before??

This is precisely why we decided to be intentional about not only hiking, but hiking a new trail every week this year. We don't intend on being in California forever, or even much longer, and so it is important to take advantage of all the resources that are right at our fingertips.

We would have missed so much beauty had we not taken the Lake Clementine Trail yesterday!

Whether you live in a small town or a big city, I know that there is much to explore that you haven't taken advantage of. Think like a tourist and explore your neighborhood this weekend!


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