Being the Answer to Someone's Prayer

Yesterday I really began to understand the importance of having mentors in your life.

Randy and I have so much on our plates right now that we've found ourselves more overwhelmed than excited about our move to Mexico. But yesterday we had the opportunity to sit down with Tony and Julie, a couple who have become so important to us.

They were there for Randy during a very challenging period in his life, they encouraged him to go on the Camino where we met and fell in love, and they took us on our first visit to Sonshine Hacienda. We absolutely adore them and their entire family. They are the kind of people who make you feel at home as soon as you meet them. And, as little Rosie said while Tony was playing guitar last night, "My grandpa is so cool!"

After an hour of just hanging out with the kids and catching up over a pitcher of Sangria, Tony turned serious. "I teared up when you called and said you were moving to San Felipe. You guys are an answer to our prayers."

Wow. Just let that sink in for a minute. Being the answer to someone's prayers, a prayer that you didn't even know they were praying, and God chose you -- God chose us -- to be that answer. It was overwhelming.

He went on to say that they have had a burden on their hearts for the past 5 years, since they started visiting the children's home regularly, for another couple to go and serve there. They felt guilty that it wasn't them. They felt selfish that they wanted to stay in California, where all their grandchildren lived within a few miles of them. But they were also clear that God was not calling them.

Who knew that God was calling us! Only God.

We talked about how much time we waste worrying, when God already knows how it's all going to work out. It was such a powerful reminder for me that the things that are overwhelming us right now -- closing down Randy's catering business, downsizing from two vehicles to one that will stand up to Mexico's roads and weather, raising awareness and financial support for our ministry, visiting family and friends before our move in November -- God already knows the answers. God knows what vehicle we need. God knows whose hearts to stir to support our ministry. God knows our calendar and how we're going to fit it all in. And in three months it will all be behind us.

I'm so thankful for these mentors who reminded us to enjoy this time, enjoy being called to something great, and enjoy each other in the process. I woke up this morning feeling more peaceful and free than I have in months!

Having mentors in your life is invaluable. Being able to call on someone who is where you want to be in your faith, your career, your ministry, or your relationship can be the thing that encourages you to keep moving forward when things get hard. If you don't have that person or that couple in your life, I encourage you to start intentionally looking for one!


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