How to Love When You Have the Flu

A long standing joke between my mother and me stems from a time when I was little and our whole family was sick. It was the middle of the night and I was crying because I had just gotten sick in my bed. My mom heard me crying and got up, but she too was sick and tired, and sick and tired of me being sick and tired. So she went to the bathroom, wet a washcloth, and, standing in my doorway, threw the washcloth in the direction of my bed. Then she went back to her room to sleep.

We laugh because it was so uncharacteristic of her. But it just proves how much stress it can put on a person when you are sick and caring for others who are sick.

This story comes to mind because Rand and I have the flu. And have had the flu for the past week. And instead of getting better it just seems to be moving to different parts of our bodies.

One of the major challenges to being sick as an adult is that life must go on. Work still has to be completed, laundry still has to be washed. The dogs (or kids) still need walked and fed. Dinner still has to be made (even if it's just microwaving some soup!). And those things will pretty much take up all the energy you have. But that is when you have to dig deeper, to not only be intentional about getting things done, but about doing them in love.

When I'm sick I pretty much just want the world to disappear. Leave me alone and I'll resurface when I feel better. But when Rand is sick too I have to dig deep, to be intentional about getting outside myself and asking what his needs are (and to meet them if I can). I have to be patient with my patient. And appreciate all the ways he is patient with me.

Rand and I are reading a book by Andy Stanley in which he says, 'If we don't intentionally make wise choices, we'll accidentally opt for poor ones.' Applying this to our situation: when we're sick, if we don't intentionally choose patience, kindness, forgiveness and unselfishness, we'll inadvertently not love our partner well. 


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