God's Footprints

My sweet friend Angie in Indiana sent us an Easter card this week. (Hi Angie!) In the card she included a page that she had torn out of her daily devotional. The devotion began: "Are you living thoughtfully and intentionally--or are you living automatically?"

(One of the things I love the most about picking a "word of the year" is when others get involved, sending me encouragement in the form of books and devotions, or teasingly using the word in our conversations.)

The gist of the devotion was that if we are just going through the motions of life, we won't see the many ways God is at work and present in any and every situation. We have to intentionally look for God's footprints throughout the week.

Shortly after reading the devotion, Randy and I went out for a drive. We hadn't even pulled out of our driveway yet when we saw this beautiful tom.

We had never seen him before! And as we stopped to take his picture, I called out to him in my best girl turkey voice. And he called back!

This would have been a beautiful gift any day of the week, but it was extra special on this day. Why? Because it was the two-year anniversary of when we talked to the rooster in a cathedral in Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Spain. (Which has an amazing story associated with it, that you can read here: The Hen and the Rooster Miracle.)

This rooster not only talked back, but we got him so riled up that they kicked us out of the cathedral!

It was awesome to have this experience with tom the turkey right after reading Angie's devotion, because it allowed us to see that God is all around us. Had we not read the devotion we might have just thought it was a cool coincidence, but because we were intentionally looking for him we saw this experience as a special treat just for us. 


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