What if they don't have fun?

Last month Randy and I received our January DateBox, which was a scavenger hunt. It included 3 decks of cards that listed the scavenger hunt items and 3 selfie sticks. We were to challenge two other couples to "compete" against us and see who could get the most items listed on their cards. The items included things like "go down a slide together," "pose in a store window," "take a photo with an out-of-state license plate," etc. 

We were initially excited about this, but then our attention turned to worry. What if the other couples thought this was dumb? Worse, what if they didn't have any fun? 

After a couple days of worrying, Randy finally said, "As long as we have fun together, that's all that matters." 

He reminded me of this simple truth: we can't control how other people feel, we can only control ourselves. 

I think this reminder will be important in this year of living intentionally. My attention must intentionally be on those things I can control, not wasted on things I can't. 

For example, my house in Indiana that sold after a year of wondering? Well, the check still isn't in the mail. In fact, it looks like we may have taken 3 steps back instead of 2 steps forward. But right now my hands are tied and I can't do anything about it. Except choose to keep a positive, hopeful, prayerful attitude while I remain in the middle. 

And by the way, those other two couples actually had a really great time with our scavenger hunt and we hope to have a rematch in the coming weeks! So all that time we spent worrying was for nothing! Isn't that usually the case??


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