Rand and I were just settling into our seats at church on Sunday when one of the pastors, starting in on the announcements, said, "We all need to be INTENTIONAL..."

I elbowed Rand and said, "Shut up!" To which he cracked up laughing.

The word INTENTIONAL has been showing up everywhere in my life this January. From church to books I'm reading, date nights that DateBox has been planning for us and everywhere in between.

I remember the same was true the year that my word was "embrace." But that is the whole point of adopting a word of the year: to look for it, to notice it, to let it be your guide.

The pastor went on to challenge us to be INTENTIONAL about our relationship with Jesus this year (which is something I wanted to be INTENTIONAL about anyway!) by doing 3 things: committing to daily time with God, a weekly tithe to God, and being involved in regular fellowship.

The first two are easier for me, but I haven't made a point of getting connected to many others. So I signed up for a book group that is having its first meeting at the church tonight. We'll be studying "Believing Jesus" by Lisa Harper. So, not only do I get to add another book to my reading list, but I get to learn more about Jesus and do so in fellowship with other women!


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