Dear friends,

It has been a while since we have published an update on the house, the adoption, and life in general. As I write we (the world) are all under quarantine, a shelter-in-place order, due to the pandemic known as COVID-19 or the coronavirus. I'm attempting to work multiple jobs from home, while Randy continues to go to school during the week to provide lunches for the students in our community. But we've discovered that there is a lot that home remodeling, adoption, and life in general can teach us about how to quarentine.

For example, today is the final day that our drywall crew will be at the house.

Which is what they have been saying for the past three weeks.

Just one more day...

Home remodeling always takes longer than you think it will. And so does a quarentine. Every day the news is the same: we need more time. But you know what. The extra time in the home remodeling has been worth it. Because we've taken the time to do things right the first time around, which will save us in the long run. And when we've had injuries, we've been forced to take the time to heal. Likewise, the extra time to stay home and shelther-in-place and to keep our businesses closed is worth the saving of many lives. 

The adoption agency assures us that adoptions are still moving forward. We can continue with our mountain of paperwork, our online parenting classes, preparing our hearts and our home for our children. And by the time we, and all the other families in process, are ready to pick up our children and actually bring them home, surely by then the borders will be open again.

Adoption is an exercise in faith. It is a reminder that you are not in control. There are so many others who have the power to approve or deny bringing these boys into our family permanently. The pandemic and subsequent quarentine have also reminded us how little control we actually have.

But for those who believe in God, we believe in a higher power who is in control of all things at all times. None of this has come as a surprise to Him. God knows how it will all turn out, and when life will begin to feel normal again... or perhaps when we'll start to feel comfortable with a new normal.

Whatever you are currently going through, expect more. More time. More money. More opportunity for growth and faith and trust and hope and healing.


  1. Right on, Katie. Sorry I missed you on Richmond. Kim have me your greeting! You must have missed all the tornado excitement in Tennessee.

    Your house (home) is making great progress. Looks all dressed up with drywall!

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