On Saturday, September 14, my husband Randy and dad Tom were finishing putting soffits under the eaves of the second story of our house. Dad was on his way down the ladder and Randy was up above him on a walkboard. The ladder where Dad was standing buckled, folding beneath him. He said it felt like the ladder was ripped right out from under him. That is the last thing he remembers.

Randy also remembers feeling like the floor was pulled out from under him. He fell 20+ feet, landing squarely on top of my dad. This perfect landing saved Randy's life and spared him from major injuries. Dad, taking the brunt of both their falls, sustained 8 broken ribs and a punctured lung.

We spent the next 15 hours at one hospital and then another. Dad had a chest tube for three days, draining the fluid from his lungs. He has been home since the 18th, but returns to Miami Valley Hospital today to see if his lungs and ribs are showing signs of healing. Please join us in praying that he gets a positive report!

Randy and I followed the ambulance to Dayton when Dad was transferred to the trauma center there. By the time we arrived in the emergency department, Dad had already had to share the story of what happened several times. "You must be the couple who are adopting," one nurse said to us. "Tom tells us he was helping you build a home for your children when he fell." Talk about gut-wrenching! Our hearts swelled with emotion, feeling awful that Dad got hurt but overwhelmed with love that in all his pain he thought to share about his grandchildren.

Speaking of whom... today one of our boys is celebrating a birthday! Jordan is making the big leap from 10 to 11 years old today in San Felipe, Baja California. We wish with all our wishes that we could be there helping him celebrate, to buy him a new soccer ball or more hair gel or his favorite treat: Takis! Unfortunately we have to wait until we are a little further along in the process to visit. Would you consider making a financial donation in honor of Jordan's birthday so that he never has to celebrate another birthday at an orphanage again? Donate to the adoption process here: Jordan's Birthday Gift.

Randy and I didn't go near the home remodel for a week. We were shaky about getting on ladders again, and all our energy was on making sure Dad was okay. Our amazing neighbors came over one night while we were at the hospital and cleaned up the broken mess for us, so that when we were ready we had a clean slate. Despite all the setbacks lately, we were able to add windows and doors this month and our house is beginning to look like a home!

I knew it was necessary to let the adoption agency know that our completion date for the house was still a ways off. We've been so anxious to get the house done so that we can have our home inspection and take the next steps in the adoption process. But here we were, delayed again.

I had a sinking feeling when I saw her name pop up on my phone. I said a quick prayer and answered it. She talked and talked, then I explained and explained. "Your boys are getting older," she said, and my heart sunk further. Was she going to tell us to give up our dream of giving these boys a home? "So we can't wait any longer," she continued. "I'll explain to the courts that your home is being remodeled and will be completed by the time the paperwork is finished." ...

What? ...

"So we can move forward?" I said, unsure.

"Yes," she said. "Let's take the next steps!"

I tried to say thank you but was such a blubbering mess that I just ended up hanging up on her.

We are moving forward! We are taking the next step! Our boys will be coming home!

There is still much to be done, but I'm so excited to start the legal process! This next step is the most expensive one, requiring us to make a payment of $10,000+. Could you help us with these legal fees? Please sign up to receive updates on our GoFundMe page and make donations here: Tu Puedes Adoptarme.

In the midst of all the madness, Randy and I celebrated 4 years since our California courthouse wedding and 1 year since we closed on the house. Through it all, we know God is with us and we are blessed!


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