There are some days, weeks, months, years when you feel like you have nothing to show for your hard work. And then there are months like June of 2019 when you put an entire second story on your house and all of that hard work suddenly becomes visible!

This was our house in APRIL... just one story, pouring cement footers and creating a front entryway.

And MAY... tearing out the old trusses and setting floor joists so we could put on a second story!

During the first week of JUNE we put on the floor for the second story and Randy put in a staircase and started building walls!

On June 13, we invited friends and family over to raise the exterior walls. (Thanks Tim, Darlene, Eric, and Dad!)

And then we let our nieces put up the interior ones. (Thanks girls!)

A week later the new trusses were delivered... (Thanks David!)

And in a matter of 3 days we had all of them set in place too! (Thanks Dad!)

Randy then framed out the bathroom (I can't believe I didn't get photos of us using a manual winch to get the cast iron bathtub up our staircase! Ha!), hallway, and closets...

This is our *new house* on July 2... twice the size it was a month ago!

It will be a little sad once the house is wrapped and we are no longer able to live with the trees in the same way. But it has been so exciting to add bedrooms for our boys, an office/classroom where they can learn English, a huge hallway that they can run up and down, and a bathroom big enough for the 3 of them to gel their hair at the same time (Mexican boys and hair gel... it is serious business!).

Here's to continuing the momentum in July!!!


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