#GivingTuesday ... A Continuation of Lent

Hello faithful readers! It's been a minute... but I couldn't pass up sharing on #GivingTuesday. Giving is something I feel fiercely passionate about! After we've spent 18 billion dollars on Cyber Monday and Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, it's time to give to those who can't.

This year, for Lent, God called me to donate $40 to 40 different ministries for the 40 days of Lent. It was an act of faith. Randy and I were missionaries in Baja California at the time, relying on donations for our own livelihoods, so giving $1,600 was more than a widow's mite.

I made 39 donations (and I have the thanks-for-giving-here's-your-free-address-labels to prove it!).

After moving to Ohio this summer and settling into a new neighborhood, God brought #40 into my life. Number 40 is included in this list, and it is one that I have not only given my money but also my time to, each and every week for the past two months.

Today on #GivingTuesday, I challenge you to search your heart. Is God calling you to give--of your time or your resources--to any of these organizations? Pick one. Pick them all! Or pick another that God puts on your heart. Just give.

1.  Shawn & Katrina McConaughey – Quaker missionaries to Africa

2. Autism Speaks – Autism research & awareness

3. PEARLS in Haiti – education grants, food & clean water to every household in Bonnet, Haiti

4. Brain & Behavior Research Foundation – mental illness research

5. Capitol Ministries – prayer on Capitol Hill

6. BuckeyeThon – pediatric cancer research

7. The Reformation Project – dialoguing about homosexuality in the church

8. St. Jude – children’s research hospital

9. The Center – combatting homelessness & isolation in Hollywood

10. Red Cross – blood drives, free vaccinations, crisis response

11. The Hub – urban ministry in Shreveport, Louisiana

12. End 68 Hours of Hunger – food program for kids who don’t have food at home between school days

13. Susan G. Komen – Breast Cancer

14. SOW Ministries – Serving Orphans and Widows in Mexico

15. Environmental Defense Fund – climate change

16. Modern Day – missionaries who are called to serve without a sending organization

17. Returning Veterans Project – meeting the needs of veterans in Oregon & Washington

18. PAVE USA – training dogs as companions to veterans

19. Anchor Ministries – fighting human trafficking

20. Bridges of Hope – homeless shelter in Xenia, Ohio

21. TREZO – ministry in Haiti, including child sponsorship

22. Amazima – education & feeding program in Uganda

23. Hope Heals – a camp for people with disabilities

24. Volunteers Without Limits – food & medical supplies for the disabled in San Felipe

25. Mercy Multiplied – restoring women who have been victims of human trafficking

26. Standards of Excellence – short-term missions

27. Rwanda Yearly Meeting – group of Quaker churches in Rwanda

28. Habitat for Humanity – helping families who need homes

29. Baldwin Wallace University – my alma mater

30. GreySave – adopting former racing greyhounds

31. Sugartree Ministries – soup kitchen in Wilmington, Ohio

32. Eagles Wings Ministries – addiction recovery in Alaska

33. Friendly Water for the World – providing clean water around the water

34. Sonrise Christian Academy – Christian school in Baja California

35. Right to Play – helping underprivileged kids in disadvantaged areas through play

36. World Vision – child sponsorship

37. Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter – foster care for displaced refugee children in Texas

38. Family Promise – empowering homeless families to self-sufficiency

39. Day for Girls – reusable feminine care products in Third-World countries

40. Hope House – low barrier women’s shelter in Wilmington, Ohio (currently raising $10,000 to help with the purchase of a larger building!)

Please share where you are giving, because I want to learn about even more worthy causes! (And even if you aren't reading this on a Tuesday, don't let that stop you from giving! #NoExcuses!)

Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity! -2 Corinthians 9:7 TPT


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