#WhereAreTheUbryTerrells ... Leg 7: Stockton to Pie Town via Phoenix

Our travels are starting to get confusing, even to us. How did we ever come up with this crazy plan?

We partially blame (and definitely thank!) Randy's mom. When she died in November, she left her motor home to Randy and his brothers in her will. As we thought about leaving Mexico and how to honor Mom, it just felt right to go out on the open road.

So, on leg 1 of this journey, we stopped in Pie Town, New Mexico, to fill the motor home with the belongings we would want to take with us (including Mom's ashes) for the RV portion of our journey. And now, a month later, we were heading back to Pie Town.

We flew Allegiant Airlines from Stockton to Phoenix because it was several hundred dollars cheaper than anything else we could find. We know Allegiant has been in the news lately for safety concerns, but we've flown them several times, and put our granddaughters on their flights as well, and have always had positive experiences. (Incidentally, our flights from Ohio to California were on Southwest Airlines, which has also been in the news lately. But those flights, too, were perfect.)

You can't live in fear if you want to live at all.

In Phoenix we picked up a rental car (best deals in America -- Hertz rental cars -- just $9 a day and you can drop off the car anywhere!). We laughed at how quick and easy the drive from Phoenix to Pie Town was. We'd taken this drive with the Hummer and trailer a month before and it took twice as long with our heavy load. But it was still dark by the time we arrived in Pie Town. We saw elk -- giant unicorn elk -- for the last hour of the journey. They were majestic, making us feel like this next portion of the journey was going to be filled with magic.

And one more thing... in addition to leaving us the motor home, Mom also gifted us with a travel companion. Our very own traveling gnome. Cinnamon.


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