40-40-40 ... Day 12: End 68 Hours of Hunger

Last week, my college friend Christina put out an appeal on her Facebook page. It included the above photo. She was asking her friends to purchase the items in the squares to provide for her community. Christina wrote: End 68 Hours of Hunger Lake Co. is currently providing food to 350 students in Lake Co., and as always, they need our help to provide food donations!! This food drive gives you a great opportunity to do something small on your end, yet it makes a huge impact in the life of a child who goes hungry over the weekend (hence the 68 hours, give or take, between lunch on Friday and school breakfast on Monday) when food might not be available in their home. My heart immediately stirred. Perhaps it is because I am in "giving mode" this month. Or the fact that I know my kids are luckier than many of their friends at school because my kids are guaranteed 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, 7 days a week. But the idea of a child having nothing to eat for a weekend is heartb...