A Year in Review


My word of the year was "compartir."

To share.

All year I've pretty much felt like I was failing at this.

No better at sharing than my 3-year-olds.

(Someone seriously needs to put the kibosh on the phrase "terrible twos." Twos are like peaches and cream compared to threes!)

Sure, I had bursts of inspiration.

And I have gotten better at sharing some things.

But I'm still not great.

At least not in the way I have been defining "to share."

When I look back at the year, the one thing I see the most is how much time I've spent on my knees in prayer.

Prayer for family. For my marriage. My kids. Prayer for God's will in my life.

Which makes me wonder...

What if, in directing me to share this year, God wasn't talking about candy or toys, bags of beans or cute t-shirts, money with those in need or even prayer requests with my friends?

What if God wanted me to share... with HIM?

In which case spending so much time on my knees is EXACTLY where He wanted me to go -- to grow -- this year.


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