Out With The Old, In With The New

While many of my friends are saying "thank God 2016 is over" and "looking for a bigger and better 2017," I can't help but think what a great year it was. And a huge part of that was God calling me to live intentionally.

Because Randy and I chose to follow God's call to live a life of intention, it was much easier to leave California knowing that we had made the most of our time there. We went on over 40 hikes and dates last year. We spent intentional time with family and held special dinners for our grandkids on their birthdays. I read more books than I have in years, and enjoyed regular Bible study, making new friends and growing deeper in my faith. We went out of our way to make others feel special, and listened to God calling us to something new and brave.

I would never have imagined, last January when God placed "intention" on my heart, that we would end up here. It's amazing how much can change in a year, when you are open to new horizons.

Last February we made our first visit to San Felipe, and here we are, celebrating two months of work at Sonshine Hacienda, where we get to be Mama Katie and Papa Randy to 20 kids with the biggest hearts we've ever seen.

Every day is new and different. Every day we go to bed exhausted. And every morning we wake up humbled and grateful that this is where God has chosen to use us. I wonder if we would have made that initial trip if we hadn't been intentionally seeking God's call on our lives?

Many of the things I was intentional about last year will have to change in the new year. Randy and I may be volunteers, but we have far less free time than we've ever had in our relationship together! But we also know that many of the things we were intentional about last year are important (like dating each other!), and we need to find a way to incorporate those things into our lives here as well.

But the main thing I feel God calling me to be intentional about in 2017 is to SHARE. While Randy and I don't have clearly defined roles here at Sonshine Hacienda, we are discovering where we can both be useful, where our gifts are most helpful, and what we each feel most called to do. And for me, that is to SHARE the story. The story of life here in Mexico. The story of this children's home and these children. To SHARE how God is using us -- and you -- to make a difference.

I hope you'll SHARE in this journey with me, because who knows where God will take us!


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