Where God Dwells

Yesterday I attended the Joyce Meyer Conference at Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento. It was a 3-day conference, but Randy and I are getting ready to go to Mexico for a week, so, between packing and getting ahead on work, I felt like one day at the conference was all I could squeeze in. Over the course of 4 teaching sessions, Joyce addressed the topics of spirit, body, mind and emotions. "Body" was the subject for Friday morning's session and I connected with it so deeply. Joyce reminded us that our bodies are " temples of the Holy Spirit "; they are where God dwells. If you think about your body as the house of God, doesn't it follow that you should take good care of it? One of my favorite aspects of Joyce's preaching style is that she uses examples from her own life. So she told us that earlier this year she talked to God about how tired she was all the time. She travels all over the world preaching and she needs energy to do it! While some ...