How to Handle Rejection

Randy and I both faced unexpected rejection yesterday. One of my clients, who I have been working with since December, decided that he no longer needed/wanted my writing and editing services. I received the "we're going in a different direction" email, which we all know is code for "you aren't cutting it so I'll just do it myself." In Randy's case, he had been invited to put in a bid to cater a fundraiser next month, and he too received a "thank you, but..." email. The question is: what do you do in the face of rejection? I can't speak for you, but this is how we handled yesterday: First, I read the rejection email. Then, I put it aside for 5 minutes while I prayed, thanking God for having given me the opportunity, the challenge, and the extra cash flow when I needed it, trusting that He had bigger and better things planned for my now "free time." Next, I replied to the email with a "thank you for the update,...