A 3-Hour Tour

I have to admit, life has been pretty stressful the past couple of months. We're excited and we're busy and we're happy, but we're also tired and overwhelmed and are struggling to find time for just the two of us without a to-do list in our laps. We tried to have that day on our anniversary last month. We booked a room in Dayton, Ohio, and had big plans to hit up our favorite restaurants and theaters and whatever other adventures we could find. No budget conversations. No packing lists. No calendars and organizers. Just the two of us. Only we were sick. Achy flu-like symptoms. Rand napped all afternoon while I curled up in a hotel chair and read. We forced ourselves to go downstairs for the complimentary hotel dinner... hot dogs and macaroni. Not exactly the day we had planned. But it all made this past Monday that much more special! Last Christmas my brother bought us a "Culinary Walking Tour of Sacramento" and we decided to cash it in this week...